Still life with clock and darumas. Oil on canvas. 60" x 48" 2020
This painting is one of the largest paintings I've done in a long time. The dimensions are 48" x 60" in oil on canvas. One of the things I was thinking about was the scale of the objects. I wanted the Hello Kitty clock's size to be larger than its actual scale, but feel small compared to the other objects in the painting.

Hatchimals and window.
44" x 44" oil on canvas. 2020.
This painting is part of a series of paintings based on still life photographs I took around my house. I found my daughter's toys set up in this configuration on our windowsill, and decided to add the daruma to the scene.

Cat, text, and backyard.
24" x 20" oil on canvas. 2020.
This painting is part of my still life series based on photos taken in and around my home. I used a text-based desk decoration for this still life in my backyard. I found working with the text as an object exciting, and I plan to explore that idea more in the future.

Toys, clocks, and trees.
34" x 30" Oil on canvas. 2020.